At Children’s National Hospital, we know our patients need more than the best medical care – they also need the best support services. But we also understand that it isn’t only the child who needs support, care, guidance and assistance. Children’s National provides support services for families that span their range of needs, from social workers to pastoral care chaplains.
Our Services
We focus on our patients’ emotional health as well as their physical health, providing age-appropriate play experiences, access to fresh air in our Healing Garden and music and art therapy. Children’s National also encourages parents and other family members to participate in their child’s care plan, collaborating with doctors and nurses as integral members of our patient care teams. With your help and insights, we will work together to put your child’s – and your family’s – needs first. To help our patients on their journey, we offer:

Clown Care
Hospitals can seem like a scary place to children, whether they are a patient or a sibling. To help alleviate a family’s fears and anxiety, our Clown Care team provides artistic, humorous entertainment for our patients and families visiting or staying in the hospital.

Creative and Therapeutic Arts Services
Creative and Therapeutic Arts Services helps children transcend the hospital experience by bringing the cultural arts, arts education, and animal visitation to patients at the bedside and in the atrium.

Family Resource Center
The Family Resource Center, open Monday - Friday from 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., offers a range of support services for families and staff. In addition to being able to read books and magazines for children and adults, patients and families visiting the center will have access to a workstation for families, a teen center with a TV and gaming console, educational resources, and a quiet room where patients and families have a private space for discussions or time alone.

The Healing Garden
Our Healing Garden is available for patients to enjoy fresh air, the outdoors and inspiring views of the nation's capital. It gives families dealing with health challenges a peaceful space to connect with nature and renew their spirits. The garden is located on the roof outside the 3rd floor main hospital, and is open year-round, weather permitting, from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

Seacrest Studios
Seacrest Studios is a multimedia broadcast center made possible through a partnership with the Ryan Seacrest Foundation. As a hands-on and virtual playroom, patients in the studio and at the bedside are encouraged to explore the magic of the expressive arts in every form. By tuning in to Channel 90 from their patient room TVs, patients can participate in activities such as story time, theatre productions, game shows and more. Interviews by Children’s National patient DJs highlight the interests, hobbies and lives of our studio guests. Celebrities also visit the studio to celebrate every type of music. The studio warmly welcomes all visitors and provides a wonderful opportunity for connection and healing for our patients and families.